Treat Contagious Ecthyma in Goats without Medicine

treat contagious ecthyma in goats without medicine

You might be surprised by the title and think that is it possible to treat contagious ecthyma in goats without medicine. Then yes, it is possible, in fact, the results are quite amazing. In this article, we are not going into the detail of what is contagious ecthyma, its causes, or any clinical signs. If you are interested then first check it out, then come back for a better understanding. Now let’s get started.

Contagious ecthyma is also known as sore mouth, Orf, or pustular dermatitis. This viral zoonotic disease is more common in goats as compared to sheep. Feedlot animals are more prone to infection. As it is a contagious disease, so chances of spread are very high if you have a large number of animals at the farm.

This disease is mostly common during winter months. So if you want to prevent this Orf in your goat or sheep, then I will suggest you to do proper vaccination. And if your animal gets infected then there is no need to give shots of antibiotics, or NSAIDs. Because contagious ecthyma is a viral disease, specific treatment is not present, no doubt, antibiotics and other painkillers can be helpful in preventing secondary bacterial infections.

But here I am going to give you a trick on how you can treat contagious ecthyma in goats or sheep without any medicine.

Treatment of Contagious Ecthyma in Goats & Sheep

Treatment of contagious ecthyma in sheep and goats has been often a point of debate. In order to treat this Orf, you just need a 5ml syringe. The syringe must be clean, dry, and sterile. It is advisable to use a disposable syringe to prevent contamination.

The goat or sheep, that is infected with pustular dermatitis/contagious ecthyma should be restrained properly. Then locate the jugular vein and draw at least 5ml of blood into the syringe.

Now inject back this blood into the animal from which you took the blood. But you must remember one thing here, insert 3ml of blood intramuscularly and the remaining 2ml subcutaneously.

This method has been proven very effected and cheap method of treating contagious ecthyma in sheep and goats.

This method is called Autohemotherapy. You can check the principle of autohemotherapy here.

Note: It’s not a recommended or standard treatment for viral infections like contagious ecthyma (also known as Orf or goat pox). This method could produce a cascade of effects leading to a therapeutic process for an existing disease.

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