Top 5 Cat Breeds for People with Allergies in 2024

If you suffer from allergies but still dream of having a feline companion, you’re in luck! In 2024, there are several cat breeds known for being allergy-friendly. These breeds produce fewer allergens, making them suitable for allergy sufferers. Let’s explore the top 5 cat breeds for people with allergies.

1. Russian Blue

The Russian Blue is renowned for its striking silver-blue coat and emerald-green eyes. This breed produces fewer allergens due to its dense, double-layered coat, which sheds less than other breeds. Russian Blues are affectionate, intelligent, and make excellent companions for allergy sufferers.

Elegant Russian Blue cat sitting gracefully

2. Cornish Rex

With its unique curly coat and playful personality, the Cornish Rex is a favorite among allergy sufferers. This breed sheds less dander than others, reducing the risk of triggering allergies. Cornish Rex cats are highly active, affectionate, and enjoy being the center of attention in the household.

cornish rex cat

3. Peterbald

The Peterbald is a beautiful and rare breed known for its hairless or short coat varieties. These cats produce minimal dander, making them suitable for allergy sufferers. Peterbalds are affectionate, social, and thrive on human companionship.

peterbald cat

4. British Shorthair

The British Shorthair is a robust and affectionate breed with a plush, dense coat. While they do shed, British Shorthairs produce fewer allergens compared to some other breeds. These cats are known for their calm demeanor, making them ideal for allergy sufferers seeking a laid-back companion.

british shorthair

5. Bambino

The Bambino is a unique breed with short legs and a hairless or short coat. Due to their minimal shedding, Bambinos are suitable for individuals with allergies. These cats are affectionate, playful, and thrive on human interaction.

bambino cat


If you’re an allergy sufferer longing for a feline companion, consider one of these top 10 cat breeds for 2024. From the elegant Russian Blue to the playful Cornish Rex, there’s a perfect cat out there for you. With proper care and grooming, you can enjoy the company of a furry friend without worrying about allergies.

Must Check out the Vaccination Schedules for Cats & kittens

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