How to Start Your Own Poultry Business in 2022 | Step By Step Guide for Beginners

Start Your Own Poultry Business in 2021

If you want to invest some money in a side business then this is the right place for you because here I am going to discuss Step by step guide that how can you start your own Poultry Business in 2022 at the small level at home.

It is a general survey that out of 10% of grocery shopping, 9% of our budget spends on protein sources. What are these protein sources? When we say protein, it actually means the sources from where protein comes. Now the organic sources of protein are meats, eggs, butter, milk, and so on. So, Imagine that somehow you save your grocery budget by 90%, then what will happen? Definitely, your money will be saved and you can buy another useful thing from that.

If we look, all these products ( meat, eggs, butter, milk, etc ) come from farming so in this article we will tell you how you can start your own poultry business in 2022 on a small scale at your home with the least amount of money. This effective Poultry business will save your grocery costs and you can also sell these poultry products to hotels, marts, restaurants, and much more so stay tuned with us.

We are going to discuss Step by Step guide only for beginners so if you know the basics about poultry then you can skip to your desire topic. Let’s begin with basics terminologies that you must know if you are going to start your own Poultry Business in 2022.

What is Poultry?

Poultry is a term for domesticated fowl, particularly focusing on the species valued for their meat and egg use, such as chickens and turkeys.

What is Poultry Industry?

There are many segments of the poultry industry. These segments are all interlinked and many times owned by the same company. This type of ownership is called Vertical Integration. These segments are as follows:

Primary Breeders:

Their responsibility is to develop and reproduce strains of chicken that meet the requirements of chicken producers/processing companies. Through development and reproduction, they aim to achieve desired characteristics such as abundant white meat and efficient feed conversion. Breeder chicks with the appropriate mix of desirable characteristics are then sold to integrated chicken firms.

Feed Mills:

Chicken companies own feed mills that convert raw materials into finished feed according to very specific formulas developed by poultry nutritionists. They produce different formulas to feed all of the different nutrition stages of chickens.


Generally operated by contract growers who raise the breeder chicks to adult birds. Breeding hens and roosters are kept under tight biosecurity on breeder farms to produce fertile hatching eggs. The offspring of breeder parents will then be raised to become broilers for the market.


It is a specialized facility designed to hatch fertile eggs received from breeder farms. Fertile eggs are placed in incubators and carefully monitored to ensure that correct temperature and humidity levels are maintained throughout the entire incubation period. Towards the end of incubation, the eggs are placed in hatching trays where the chicks hatch out by pecking their way through the large end of the egg.

Growout Farms:

The newly hatched chicks are transported to grow-out farms where independent farmers raise them to market weight under contract with the company. The company provides the chicks, feed, and any necessary pharmaceuticals.

The farmer provides the grow-out barns, water, bedding (โ€œlitterโ€), electricity, and his own management skill. The chickens reach market weight in six or seven weeks and are collected to be taken to the processing plant.

Processing Plants:

The processing plant harvests the birds by humane standards and is inspected by the USDA for any disease or defects. The carcasses are then chilled to limit the growth of bacteria. Following chilling they are packaged for distribution or cut into parts.

Further Processing:

They are specialized operations or plants that receive whole chicken or cut-up parts and perform a variety of further processing steps. These steps include cooking, breading, or marinating.

Transportation and Market:

Chicken products are transported in refrigerated trucks from the processing and further processing plants, and then to the grocery stores, restaurants, and other customers.

World Balance for Meats ( in Million Tons )

Total Production327.1330.4336.2
Bovine Meat69.770.872.1
Ovine Meat14.714.814.9
Pig Meat117.8118.7121.1
Poultry Meat119.2120.5122.5
Total Trade31.932.733.3
Bovine Meat9.710.210.6
Ovine Meat0.911
Pig Meat8.38.28.1
Poultry Meat12.713.113.3

Now hope so, you understood the basic terminologies related to poultry farming now in order to start your own Poultry Business in 2022. Now you have to think about what type of business you want to start with because as I mentioned earlier the poultry is a large sector with so many segments like feed mills, hatcheries, processing plants, breeders, etc each of these segments is a separate sector in poultry.

In this article, we will cover the breeder segment because this is the easiest way to start with because if you want to open a business regarding poultry feed then it requires so much space and it will be very expensive, In the same way, processing plants is another segment that requires much budget and labor.

So our focus is mainly on those businesses that you can start with the least money and space in fact you can start such a business in your backyard of a home. Such type of poultry is called backyard poultry farming.

Now in order to start your own Poultry Business in 2022, you have to choose which breed you have to farm and it depends on your choice. Let’s see in detail.

Choosing Backyard Chicken Breeds:

Many chicken breeds are perfectly suited for backyard flocks. Choosing the right breed for your backyard flock solely depends on the poultry keeperโ€™s needs. Certain chicken breeds can boast milder temperaments, which are typically better suited for families with small children who would interact with the birds. The Chicken Industry has well over fifty breeds that are recognized by the American Poultry Association. These breeds are broken down by classifications and use. The use of these animals would be

  1. Layers ( For Eggs )
  2. Broilers ( For Meat )
  3. Hybrid ( Dual purpose Breed )


They have been genetically selected for high egg productivity. They tend to be small-bodied so they are undesirable for meat production. These small bodies allow the bird to put more nutrients toward egg production instead of body size.

They are divided into two types:

  1. Those that lay white eggs
  2. Those that lay brown eggs

Chicken breeds with white ear lobes lay white eggs, whereas chickens with red ear lobes lay brown eggs

Specific Layers Breeds Used in Poultry Industry:

Normally there are many layers breeds of chicken that are used in the poultry sector but out of these the most common are

White Leghorn:

They are part of the Mediterranean Class.

A very good layer of white eggs.

Basis of the commercial egg industry.

Rhode Island Red ( RIR ):

They are part of the American Class.

They lay brown eggs.

Production-bred strains lay very well.

Other breeds that are mostly used for egg purposes are


These varieties are developed for specific characteristicsGrow faster and larger Larger breast meat yield More efficient feed conversion More disease resistance .These varieties are used by broiler-producing companies that commercially produce broilers sold in supermarkets.They do not lay as many eggs as the layer breeds

Specific Broilers Breeds Used in Industry:

Normally there are many Meat breeds of chicken that are used in the poultry sector but out of these the most common are

White Cornish:

They are part of the English Class.

They have a very broad and meaty body

White Plymouth Rock:

They are part of the American Class.

They tend to be docile and fairly good dual-purpose breed.

Cornish Cross:

White Cornish x White Plymouth Rock

Their fast growth allows them to reach 4-5 lbs in
6 weeks and 6-10 lbs in 8-12 weeks.

Hybrid Breed in Poultry:

Some birds are good at producing both eggs and meats, they are called dual-purpose breeds. These are the best breeds to start your own Poultry Business in 2022. The major advantage of cross breed is that they exhibit the strengths of all breeds from which they descend with an advantage of heterosis.

Specific Hybrid Breeds Used in Industry:

Normally there are many hybrid breeds of chicken that are used in the poultry sector, especially for backyard poultry but out of these the most common are


Theย Australorpย is a chicken breed of Australian origin, developed as a utility breed with a focus on egg-laying, and is famous for laying more than 300 eggs.

Rhode Island Red

Theย  Rhode Island Red is an American breed of domestic chicken. ย It is a dual-purpose breed, raised both for its meat and for its brown eggs. It is resistant to cold, easy to manage, and a good sitter.


Theย Sussexย is a British breed of dual-purpose chicken, reared both for its meat and for its eggs.ย 

Now it’s time to decide which breed of chicken you are going to adopt. Before selecting any breed be sure that the desired breed should be available in your region then after the selection of breed the main task is the Housing system for your birds. The housing system is very much important because it has a greater influence on the growth and production of poultry birds. Let’s see it in detail


So for the start your own Poultry Business in 2022, you have to select the right breed for you. Mostly, poultry farmers prefer dual-purpose breeds but it doesn’t mean you should also go with that. Choosing the right breed is very much necessary and it totally depends that which type of chicken breed is easily available in your region because if you adopt those chicken breeds that are native to your region then it will be easier for the poultry birds to better adapt that environment.

Now after the selection of the righteous breed, the next step is of choosing the housing for your birds. How you can choose the right housing system for your birds? and what are the requirements for the best housing system? Every detail is included in the below links with step-by-step easy way. Click down on the link to get more about Poultry business techniques.

Housing System for your Poultry Birds

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