Quiz on Canine Parvovirus

brown dog ill in parvovirus

Are you looking for a quiz on canine parvovirus? Then you are at the right place, here you will find amazing multiple choice questions on canine parvovirus.

Canine Parvovirus is also known as Parvo- enteritis in dogs. This is a viral contagious disease of dogs that has very much clinical importance in veterinary dog practice. The CPV (canine parvo virus) majorly affects the gastrointestinal tract of canines.

If you suspect diarrhea, vomiting in your dog then you must take your dog to a licesecned veterinary doctor to check for parvovirus. As this post is not about canine parvovirus, it’s just a quiz, but if you are interested in the detail about canine parvovirus, its signs, how you can diagnose, treatment and preventive protocols then this post is for you.

Now let’s do a quick quiz on canine parvovirus, it’s advisable to read first about this disease then do this quiz for better understanding. To read about parvo-enteritis, click the link above. Now here is your quiz.


Good Luck!


Dog Diseases

Canine Parvovirus Quiz

Step into the realm of knowledge and embark on a wondrous quiz on canine parvovirus. This quiz is designed to test your understanding of the disease that affects our beloved furry companions.

1 / 15

Canine Parvovirus is because of a virus, can you tell from which family the virus belongs to?

2 / 15

Which test is commonly used to diagnose canine parvovirus infection in dogs?

3 / 15

Why Diarrhea with blood is a common clinical finding in Parvoenteritis? Give brief answer but relevant.

4 / 15

Canine parvovirus primarily targets which body system in dogs?

5 / 15

Canine Parvovirus is a zoonotic disease.

6 / 15

Canine parvovirus infection can be prevented by effective immunization of puppies at what age?

7 / 15

How you can differentiate between parvovirus and canine distemper?

8 / 15

What is the most common route of transmission for canine parvovirus?

9 / 15

The predominant hematological anomaly in canine PVE is?

10 / 15

Fecal antigen testing is the an effective diagnostic tool and is most commonly performed in the clinic. It requires only a small amount of fecal matter, and results are available after 8 minutes. But why test sometimes is  false negative and false positive? Give your answer.

11 / 15

Can humans contract canine parvovirus from infected dogs?

12 / 15

Which of the following is NOT a typical symptom of canine parvovirus infection?

13 / 15

Which age group of dogs is most susceptible to canine parvovirus infection?

14 / 15

After entry of canine Parvovirus, the virus first replicates in which site?

15 / 15

The Genome of Canine Parvovirus is?

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