Poultry House Design | How to construct a standard poultry house with ventilation?

poultry house design

There are various types of Poultry House Design. But the design of your poultry house must fulfill all the requirements of a standard poultry house. In this article we will tell you in detail how to construct a standard poultry house with proper ventilation and other requirements.

Poultry house matters a lot because it is easy to choose a bird breed for farming but how can a bird easily adapt to your environment? The answer is very simple, a bird can adapt well if you give proper housing with desired conditions for living. All these conditions overall affect the growth and production of your poultry birds. So, if you are really concern about the growth and production ( eggs, meats, etc ) of your poultry birds to earn a huge profit in your business then the following factors are very important for you to do in your poultry farm.

Before starting our article be sure that you must know different types of poultry house then it will be easy for you to understand this article thoroughly so if don’t know the types of poultry houses then first read out the article by clicking the link below.


  • Environment of poultry house design must be like, that accommodates health and natural behaviour of animals, shade, shelter, exercise areas, fresh air, direct sunlight ,etc
  • No cages ( means temporary confinement is allowed for inclement weather, stage of production, conditions under which health or safety are jeopardized or risk to soil or water quality)
  • Access to outdoors
  • No stocking density limit or restriction on flock size
Poultry House Design
Poultry birds eating feed
Access to outdoors
No stock density is limited

Natural Behaviour:

  • Birds must be able to express natural behaviours like
  • Dust bathing
  • Perches ( 6 in. per hen )
  • Nest boxes ( individuals up to 5 hen per box, communal up to 11 hens/square ft )
Poultry House Design
Dust Bathing
Hens sitting on Perches
Poultry House Design
Nest Boxes


Ventilation is often natural due to open bird doorways;


  • Limits on the use of artificial lighting
  • NOP has no specific requirements for dark period
  •  Most certifiers look for 8 h of dark

Light Intensity:

  • Many certifiers require a relatively high level of light
  • If you are using direct sunlight then adjust accordingly otherwise in those countries where sunlight is not enough or in winter artificial lights have to be used for this the standard intensity is at least 2 footcandles
Artificial Light
Poultry House Design
Artificial Light
Natural sunlight

Poultry Litter and Manure:

  • Litter does not have to be organic, unless birds eat it
  • Waste must not contribute to environmental contamination
  • If allowing poultry to forage in crops, orchards, restrictions apply
  • Raw manure cannot be applied to crops
  1.   Within 90 days of harvest
  2.   Within 120 days if edible part of crop not in contact with soil
Poultry House Design
Litter bedding for chicks

Raw maunre can’t be apply

Farm Sanitization:

Farm sanitization is much necessary to prevent the spread of disease because in the poultry sector if a disease outbreak happens then it can be devastating for the whole shed of birds. So, the things or equipment that need to be sanitized are

Housing Equipment:

Materials permitted for disinfection and sanitation of farm premises and equipment

โ€ขChlorine materials


โ€ขHydrogen peroxide Per-acetic acid


โ€ขFlushed with organic acids

โ€ขSanitized with iodine or hydrogen peroxide

โ€ขSmall flocks often use open waterers; may get dirty

Poultry House Design
Cleaned equipment
Person sanitize the housing of birds


  • Molting extends productive lives of layers; fewer layers needed
  • Molting can be forced with molt diet and dark
  • NOP has no specific standards on forced molting; generally, certifiers do not permit
  • Natural molting is not as efficient as forced molting but maintains high welfare Ideally, layers should be kept for 2-3 years

Vaccination Programs for Poultry Birds:

Use proactive practices, reduce stress and maintain immune system

Vaccines are allowed to prevent disease. Some common diseases in poultry are

  • Coccidiosis
  • Newcastle
  • Infectious Bronchitis
  • Marek’s Disease
  • Infectious Bursal disease


Administered at hatch and/or 10-14 days of age

Make sure eggs or chicks are not injected with antibiotics

Poultry House Design

Vaccination Chart for Poultry birds

DiseaseType of VaccineAge of BirdRoute of AdministrationDose of Vaccine
Marek’s diseaseHVT or IVBP1-3 daysS/C0.2 ml
RanikhetF1 or Lasota Lasota
(Booster) R2B strain booster
2-6 days
30th day
6-8 week
16 week
Intra-nasal or intra-ocular orDW or S/C0.5 ml
I.B.DLive attenuated booster (LA)18-21 days
25-28 days
I/O or D/W
Fowl PoxLive vaccine
6 weeks
9th week
I/M0.2 ml
Fowl CholeraIVRI6th weekS/C1 ml
Infectious CoryzaInactivated srini vaccine15-18 weekI/M0.5 ml
Egg Drop SyndromeKilled vaccine15-18 weekI/M0.5 ml


The environment that accommodates the health and natural behavior of animals, shade, shelter, exercise areas, fresh air, direct sunlight, etc In the same way proper ventilation, bedding, sanitization efforts, and vaccination programs are the requirements for an ideal Poultry Housing System.

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