How to Increase the Eggs Production in Poultry | Easiest way to increase your Poultry Business!

How to Increase Eggs Production-inPoultry

Eggs Production depends upon the birdโ€™s age, breed, and molting period. Under ideal conditions, it takes a chicken about 25 hours to produce one egg.   Certain chicken breeds were bred to reduce the demonstration of brooding behavior and increase laying. If a poultry keeper wants to keep chicken for eggs, it is important to choose a chicken breed that demonstrates high levels of egg production.

Now we are going to enlist some important factors that need to be improved if you are really serious about Eggs Production.

Reducing Brooding Behaviour To Improve Eggs Production

To improve Eggs Production, brooding behavior must be reduced. When an egg-laying hen demonstrates brooding behavior, the hen can be separated from the rest of the flock and placed in a henhouse without a nest. In this way, sitting on a nest is discouraged.

Poultry scientist Dan L. Cunningham at the University of Georgia says that

“Removing the hens from visual and physical stimulation provided by nest and nesting material will help discourage this behavior. In addition, it will help prevent producing hens from observing and adopting the broody behavior of their flock mates. By doing so one can see a significant increase in Eggs Production. The hens should be held in this isolation pen for seven to 10 days before moving them back to the laying pen.โ€ 

Reducing Brooding Behaviour To Improve Eggs Production

Increase The Duration of Light To Boost Eggs Production

Longer days, or extended periods of light, boost Eggs Production. Hens naturally lay more eggs during seasons with longer days. As the days shorten, hens begin to show brooding behavior. During these shorter days, after the natural breeding season, chickens begin to molt their feathers. Since molting requires a lot of energy, chickens decrease their production of eggs. To maintain normal eggs production, chickens require around 12-14 hours of light, which can be provided artificially when days naturally become shorter.

Increase The Duration of Light To Boost Eggs Production

Role of Diet in Eggs Production

A pullet (a female chicken less than one year old). The pullet that is going to become an egg-laying hen should have a diet that consists of 12-16% protein. Adult egg-laying hens should have a diet high in calcium and minerals. Nutritional diseases can occur in egg-laying hens if they arenโ€™t provided with an adequate diet.

Poultry scientist Claudia Dunkley at the University of Georgia says that

โ€œRickets, CLF [cage layer fatigue], and FLS [fatty liver syndrome] are nutritional diseases that affect laying hens and can account for a high percentage of the flock mortality. The laying hensโ€™ diet is specifically formulated to be nutritionally complete. However, the occurrences of these diseases are prevalent especially in hens in high production and the mortality rate in flocks can be high.โ€ 

Role of Diet in Eggs Production

Eggs Collection:

Eggs should be collected daily as leaving eggs in a nest box can encourage chickens to go broody. Hens may also peck or eat eggs that are left, and once they have acquired this habit it is very hard to change. Artificial light used in the coop will encourage hens to lay for longer in winter.

Why Eggs Should be Collected Daily?

Eggs that are left in the nesting boxes can become cracked, pooped on, dirty, or simply not safe to eat. If you want to know the difference between fresh and old eggs then you must have to check out the best way to check whether an egg is fresh or rotten at home by clicking the link below.

Why Eggs Should be Collected Daily

Increase Eggs Production by Golf ball Trick:

Another trick to increase Eggs Production is to place a golf ball or ceramic egg in the nest box to encourage hens to lay in the nest. This is a very amazing trick and has been used for many decades in the poultry farming sector.

If you want to test this trick then leave the golf balls in the nesting box just before when your chickens are going to lay just as a reminder to them. It significantly improves the production of eggs in a limited value.

Increase Eggs Production by Golf ball Trick

Reduce the Stress in Chicken Birds

Stress can significantly decrease Eggs Production. What did this stress mean? Actually, this means environmental stress like heat, cold, etc. Therefore, it is necessary to provide your laying hens with high-quality feed, vitamin/electrolyte products in the drinking water, or any tonic types of products that help reduce stress.

Reduce the Stress in Chicken Birds

Free Range Your Chickens

Especially in winter, it is highly advisable to provide your chickens with free-range, so as to get enough daylight exposure. Exposure to natural daylight helps keep those hormones pumping and ranging gives chickens an opportunity to exercise, which also improves Eggs Production.

Free Range Your Chickens

Maintain Strict Biosecurity

There are many ways through which your poultry birds get contaminated. Especially in cage-free systems, there are greater chances of disease transmission within a flock due to increased bird movement, bird-to-bird contact, and exposure to litter.

Some poultry diseases such as coccidiosis and necrotic enteritis will become more evident along with other zoonotic pathogens such as E.coli and Salmonella etc.

So it is important to maintain strict biosecurity measures and keep the litter dry to lower the risk of disease and other health issues.

Maintain Strict Biosecurity to increase Eggs Production

FAQs about Why Eggs Production decrease in some Laying Hens?

There are many reasons which affect a hen’s laying ability. If your hens stop laying eggs you have to figure out the following;

Does your hens lay eggs for more than 10 month or more?

If the answer is yes then keep in mind that your hens are at the end of the laying cycle. Now it will stop eggs production and go through a molt. It will take a break and then it will start laying eggs again. But if your answer is no then make an investigation, there is something else that is causing the decrease in production.

Are you supplying enough clean water to your birds?

If the hens canโ€™t drink, they will not eat. So you have to make sure that you have a good watering system for your hens. It can be a challenging task for you in the winter season when the water becomes frozen. You can buy waterers which have attached heater. It will prevent water from being frozen. Problems can occur in summer too. The hens will stop drinking water if the temperature is too high.

Are the hens eating right feed?

If your hens eat the wrong food and if they donโ€™t get enough feed. It will molt repeatedly and reduce the production of eggs.

Do you provide enough light?

Light has a direct impact on egg production. If you donโ€™t provide enough light, your hens will decrease the production rate. So, you have to provide sufficient light to increase the production rate.

Do your hens are infected by parasites?

Both internal and external parasites can affect the production rate. So you have to be careful.


Eggs Production can be boost by formulating the best feed for your birds. In addition to the feed, water system, you should have to reduce the brooding behavior in chicken birds. A minimum of 14 hours duration of light must be provided to increase eggs production.

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