Deworming Schedule for Kittens & Cats in Pakistan

deworming schedule for kittens and cats in pakistan

The deworming Schedule for Kittens and Cats in Pakistan is often a point of debate. Keep in mind that like the vaccination schedule, the deworming schedule varies and depends on various factors like the age of the pet, lifestyle, region, etc.

So it might be possible that every veterinarian adopts his/her own schedule, that is why here I am going to give you a general deworming schedule for kittens and cats.

How to Deworm a kitten?

  • Start deworming a kitten when it hits the age of 2 weeks.
  • Then repeat the deworming every 2 weeks until the kitten hits the age of 8 weeks.
  • When the kitten becomes 8 weeks old then you can deworm it every 3-4 weeks until 16 weeks of age.

Adult Cat Deworming Schedule

  • For indoor cats, deworming every 3-6 months is generally sufficient.
  • For outdoor cats, more frequent deworming, such as every 1-3 months, may be recommended.

Always consult a veterinarian to create a deworming plan tailored to your cat’s individual needs.

See some other related posts

1- Types of Cat worms

2- Signs of worms infestation in cats you need to know

3- Best Available dewormers for cats in Pakistan

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