Top Dewormers for Dogs & Cats in Pakistan

dewormers for dogs and cats in pakistan

Deworming is a crucial step in preventing and addressing parasitic infections in dogs and cats. In this guide, we’ll explore the best available dewormers for dogs and cats in Pakistan.

This article is not about deworming, its reasons, how dewormers work, type of worms, etc. If you are interested in these than you can check the following articles.

1- Signs and Symptoms of Worms Infestation

2- Common worms in cats

3- How to deworm your dog/cat?

6- Some FAQs about deworming in dogs and cats (e.g. Is deworming safe in pregnant dogs or cats?)

Intro: Dewormers are medications that are used to treat various types of worms.

Before enlisting the top dewormers for dogs and cats in Pakistan, I want to clear an important concept here, keep in mind, I am going to mention the brand names of dewormers. So, if you are from Pakistan, then that’s good, but if you are from a different country, then you can still use any brand that is easily available in your area by keeping in mind the active salt in each brand.

Now there are various types of worms that can infect dogs and cats. Some salts are more effective in treating a particular worm. For example, the praziquantel is effective against tapeworms. To know more about see above posts or shortly, I am listing below.

What Medicines are Effective against Particular Worms?

  • Use praziquantel against tapeworms
  • Pyrental against roundworms and hookworms
  • Febental is effective against whipworms
  • Ivermectin to treat heartworm
  • Fenbendazole is broad spectrum dewormer

My Personal Advice: Bonus Tip

Pet dewormers often contain a mix of salts to target various worms. This broadens the protection and is like an umbrella cover. Not all antiparasitic agents work equally on all worms, so using a combination is smart. That’s why I will suggest changing deworming preparations regularly instead of sticking to the same one all the time.

List of Available Dewormers for Dogs & Cats in Pakistan

In Pakistan, the majority of veterinarians use the following dewormers to deworm the pets regularly.

  • Tab. Drontalยฎ
  • Tab. Praferanยฎ
  • Tab. Canivermยฎ
  • Syp. Vermoxยฎ
drontal plus tablet for deworming of dogs and cats in pakistan
caniverm tablet for dewroming dogs and cats
praferan tablet for deworming pets
vermox syrup for dogs and cats in pakistan

For further details see How to deworm your dog and cat

Note: The active salts in the above dewormers are:

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