Basic Essentials of an Ideal Poultry Shed | Stop Spending Millions

basic essentials of an ideal poultry shed

Low-cost poultry house design is the dream of every poultry farmer. For poultrymen, housing serves two important purposes. First, it concentrates the flock into a manageable size. Second, it creates a physical environment conducive to the production of eggs and poultry meat. Before starting a poultry farm, housing is a very important initiative. It doesn’t mean that you must have […]

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Methods to Reduce Heat Stress in Poultry Birds

hen and rooster looking for feed

Birds are warm-blooded and can maintain their body temperature within certain limits of environmental temperature. To maintain body temperature heat loss from the body to the environment must be equal to the heat produced within the body as a result of digestion, absorption, and metabolism of feed. So a proper environment to keep thermal balance is necessary. Birds have no […]

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How to take Care of Baby Chicks

Care of Baby Chicks

Care of Baby Chicks is a huge challenge for first-time owners in poultry farming. Baby chicks are a great addition to the family but they require proper care for healthy growth and development. If you fail to look after your baby chicks then it may result in the mortality of chicks. In this article, we will cover every detail on […]

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