How to take Care of Baby Chicks

Care of Baby Chicks

Care of Baby Chicks is a huge challenge for first-time owners in poultry farming. Baby chicks are a great addition to the family but they require proper care for healthy growth and development. If you fail to look after your baby chicks then it may result in the mortality of chicks.

In this article, we will cover every detail on How to Take Care of Baby Chicks from the day of hatching till maturity. We’ll also cover every aspect from brooding to bedding, feeding protocols, health issues with treatments, and much more. So stay tuned with us.

Before going into the detail on the care guide of chicks. I want to ask a question from you, What is your purpose for raising baby chicks?

Raising Baby Chicks: What is your purpose?

Table of Contents

Let’s have an example if you want to buy a car, but you don’t know the features of that car, what to see before buying a car and how to drive a car, then surely your money will be going to waste, and you will suffer a loss. In the same way, if you don’t know about chicks breed, care of baby chicks, and other than before raising baby chicks, you should know all the details on how to take care of Baby Chicks from day-old after hatching to till maturity.

If you want to raise chicks for getting eggs, you should raise layer breed. Broilers are for meat purposes. Some people raise fancy birds like Bantam etc

Take your time and read from different articles, catalogs, and research papers. It will save you some headaches down the line. You can check out our detailed discussion about the chicken breeds. This article is a great place to start researching your prospective breeds. It will tell you the origin of each chicken breed, egg-laying capability, pure breed characteristics, and much more.

Raising Baby Chick

Baby Chicks for Sale: Where to Buy Baby Chicks?

If you selected which type of chicken breed you’re going to adopt, then the next most important thing is Where to buy baby chicks, or is there any sale for baby chicks? These are the frequently asked questions by the people. The answer is simple: There are many ways to buy baby chicks, and it depends upon your choice whether you prefer an online chicks supplier service or purchase from a local farm seller.

Infact, in my opinion, the buying of baby chicks depends on how long youโ€™re willing to wait for eggs. For example, if you want to buy day-old chicks, then hatchery should be your priority.

Day Old Chicks:

You can buy day-old chicks from hatcheries either online or by a local farm. The main thing to consider here before buying day-old baby chicks is to ensure that either they have done proper vaccination from problems like Newcastle, Marek’s diseases or not.


Pullets are female chicks that yet did not give any egg. It is about 20 weeks old and is expensive than day-old chicks. You can buy it from a local farm seller or hatchery.

Mature Egg laying Hens:

If you are thinking to buy those hens that are already laying eggs then it’s easy to buy. You can get it from local sellers. There is no need for any hatchery to buy these hens. But in my opinion, it is not a suitable choice for first-time owners.

Hatch Your Own Chick at Home Using Incubator:

The other way is to get your own hatched eggs. I do not recommend this for a first-time chicken owner. Incubation is never straightforward (in my experience), and it’s an important factor in the care of baby chicks. So, you must have to know all the guidelines on how to use an incubator for proper hatching

Some Major hatcheries and Farm from where you can buy baby chicks:

Besides chickens, online hatcheries also offer turkeys, geese, guinea, ducks, and more. Make sure you read the full guidelines because some of the prices look attractive but require a minimum order of a larger quantity than some other companies. Some offer free shipping, while others only ship several times a year. Below are some of the hatcheries from where you can buy baby chicks:

If you live in Uk then you can Buy from here

Indian Buyer can buy from this site

In Pakistan Olx is the best way to locate local farms

Baby Chicks for Sale: Where to Buy Baby Chicks?

Equipment needed for Care of Baby Chicks

Till now, we have discussed in detail ” why are you raising chicks and from where you can buy them. Now it comes to equipment that is required for proper care of baby chicks.

Brooder for Baby Chicks:

A brooder is a basic requirement for the care of baby chicks. It’s like a home with proper facilities that are required for the proper growth of chicks. It is like a container rolled into a circular shape with pine shavings or another embedding medium with a light on the top. It can be as simple as a cardboard piece, or can be made of metal depending upon the budget. Now let discuss what makes a brooder an ideal one.

Shape of the Brooder:

The brooder should be circular and should not be square or rectangular because it creates the corners in the brooders, and when baby chicks are roaming away from the center of the brooder there are greater chances that they all will gather at the corners with one jumping on another. This problem leads to suffocation in baby chicks that can cause death.

Geometry of Brooder:

The wall of the brooder should be at least 18 inches high to avoids the chicks to jump out of the brooder that may cause any injury. Because day-old baby cheeks are week and their skeleton is not strong enough to protect them that is why it’s the most important thing for the Care of Baby Chicks.

Rodent-Proof Brooder :

The brooder should be rodent-proof, which means it must be kept indoors or at such places where there is no other pet that can attack chicks.

Brooder Must be at Dry Places:

The brooder must be in dry places because if the surface is wet then it will lead to many health issues like cold, flu, and other respiratory problems. Another main thing is that salmonella also grows in wet places, so there will be chances of salmonella infection in poultry birds.

Bedding of Brooder:

The floor or bedding of the brooder should be smooth to walk. If it is slippery, it can lead to leg injuries in baby chicks like spraddle legs, etc.

Enough Space in Brooder:

There must be enough space for the chicks to walk in the brooder. According to size each bird should have 1.5 sqft space.

Dont Use Plastic Brooder:

The material used for making the brooder should not be plastic; because; in a brooder, light is present for keeping the chicks warm. Hight temperature can melt the plastic that further falls onto the bedding of the brooder and can catch fire. So beware of that.

Equipment needed for Care of Baby Chicks

How to Care of Baby Chicks in Winter and Summer

As I already mentioned, temperature regulation has an impact on the mortality of baby chicks. If you fail to regulate brooder temperature, then the consequences will be daring. So for proper Care of Baby Chicks, the temperature has to be maintained in an ideal range to protect the baby chick from any health issue.

Care of Baby Chicks in Winter:

Care of Baby Chicks in Winter is challenging. In winter, it is necessary to note the temperature of the brooder. A temperature sensor can be used for this purpose. Any deviation from the ideal temperature needs calls for action.

In Winter season keeps the day-old chicks in a warm place until they are fully feathered. For this purpose, you can use a heating fan in the brooder or a red light heating source.

How to Know If Your Baby Chicks are Cold?

If you look that the baby chicks start gathering near the heating source in the brooder, then this is the indication that your baby chicks are feeling cold. Another indication is a loud, high-pitched cheeping sound. On examination, their legs will be cold to the touch. Chicks look swollen.

What to do to keep them warm: Ideal temperature of Brooder in Winter

Try to increase the temperature of the brooder. Maintain 95-100 degrees if your chicks are day old to two weeks. And then reduced 5 degrees each week until chicks are a month old until reaching a minimum of 55 degrees.

Care of Baby Chicks in Winter

Care of Baby Chicks in Summer:

Temperature sensor works very well in the warm season and can tell you how to Take Care of Baby Chicks in Summer. If the temperature goes high from ideal, then you have to take steps to cool down the brooder environment.

How do you Know If Baby Chicks are too warm?

If they scatter away from the heating source, then this is the first indication. Another indication is panting or gasping with beaks open.

Ideal Temperature for Brooder in Summer:

The Ideal Temperature for Brooder in Summer is 95 degrees Fahrenheit. Where your brooder is placed, try to Reduce the heat as fast as possible by turning on the fans of the room. You can also use small air coolers for brooders for this purpose. Another most important thing is to provide baby chicks water so that their body gets hydrated, and It can help a lot in regulating the temperature of baby chicks.

Care of Baby Chicks in Summer

Bedding for Baby Chicks

Bedding for Baby Chicks is the most important thing regarding the Care of Baby Chicks. There are a lot of bedding materials that you can use for your chicks. The most preferable is pine shavings because it is easily available and cheapest.

Pine Shavings for chickens:

Pine Shavings are one of the highly demanding and most useable bedding materials for baby chicks. The reason for its high demand is because of its absorbency, cheapest rate, insulating property. The average cost of pine wood shavings is around 5$.

FAQs about Pine Shavings

How deep should bedding be for baby chicks?

This is one of the most frequently asked questions. Actually, no matter which bedding material are you using for your baby chicks, it is highly advisable to properly spread the litter material throughout your breeder so that it is at least 4 to 5 inches thick.

Will baby chicks eat Pine Wood shavings?

The answer is yes! baby chicks can eat pine wood shavings. This habit can lead to digestive problems.

What bedding is best for baby chicks?

Chicks need a smooth surface to walk on. Many different types of bedding are suitable, including pine chips, clean sand, paper towel, shredded newspaper, and burlap. Avoid cedar chips or other aromatic wood chips, as they can be toxic to chicks.

Bedding for Baby Chicks

What to Feed Baby Chicks:

What to Feed Baby Chicks is always a point of discussion. Everyone wants to be healthy. To stay healthy, you have to focus on your diet. Am I write? The same is the case with baby chicks. What to feed Baby chicks for their proper care is a challenge. There are a lot of brands that guarantee their feed products. I am not here for any of the advertisements. I just want to tell you how can you take Care of Baby Chicks by taking into consideration the following things when it comes to feeding your baby chicks.

  • In a brooder, you must have at least one feeder and waterer for 5-6 chicks. If you have more chicks, then you can place more feeders and waterers according to requirements.
  • The feed and water must be clean.
  • Change feed and water every day.
  • For every 25 chicks, fill two 1-quart waterers with room temperature water.
  • You have to introduce baby chicks that how to feed and drink water by putting the beak of one chick into the waterer and feeder. Ultimately other chicks will learn from this habit.
  • For feed, start chicks on a 20% protein (24% protein for broilers) starter ration. At 8-10 weeks old, switch chicks to 18-19% chick grower.
Care of Baby Chicks: What to Feed Baby Chicks

Step by Step Guide on Care of Baby Chicks

Till now we have discussed every detail about what you need for your chicks before their arrival now, it’s time to go into the detail of step by step guide on the Care of Baby Chicks.

When your supplier informed you that your chicks are ready to ship and will arrive soon, the first thing you have to do is to turn on the heating source in the brooders; because the baby chicks are coming from the hatcheries, and it is important to keep them warm.

To maintain the optimum temperature of the brooder use the temperature sensor and maintain the temperature from 90-95 ยฐF for the chicks.

Arrival Day of Baby Chciks:

When chicks arrive, set the brooder and take them out one by one and place them in a brooder, and as I mentioned earlier, introduce some chicks to water and feed; the other will follow the same.

Set the temperature according to requirements. Check regularly to see any disturbances in the brooder. If all the chicks were calm, it means the temperature is best for them, and they will adapt to the brooder environment.

If you see that they are stacking on the corners or getting away from the heating lamp then this is an indication of a warm environment in the brooder. Gathering around the heating source is the indicator of the cold temperature inside the brooder. Adjust the temperature in both situations,

Day to day and week by week Care of Baby Chicks:

Once your baby chicks adapt to your given environment now it is time you can handle them. The best way to start is to put some crumbles in the palm of your hand and rest your other hand on the floor of the brooder.

Chicks are dirty they poop everywhere they want. There are no limits for them so keep their waterer and feeders, infact all brooder neat and clean. Water and food should be changed as frequently as needed but at least twice a day.

I want to draw your attention to the most common mortality problem in chicks that needs to be solved before day one. It is Brooder Pneumonia. The cause of this problem is wet bedding. There is no cure, and severely affected chicks can die, so keep the bedding as clean as possible.

Week by Week Developmental Phases in Chicks:

Long story short, I am providing a growth chart of chicks that will give you an idea about week by week developmental phases in chicks.

WeekChanges in Body development
0-2 weeks the rapid growth of chicks, feathers replace the down
2-4 weeksReplacing of a baby feather with adult feathers, pecking starts
4-6 weeksFull feathers looking cute and easily adapt to the environment
6-8 weeksTotally adult, pecking sequence should be established now

The thing I want to clear here in terms of growth and development in chickens is that there are some breeds of chicken that grow at a faster rate than others. e.g broiler grow faster than layers.

Step by Step Guide on Care of Baby Chicks

Common Health Problems in Baby Chicks with Treatment

How will you know which chicks have some health concerns? For this, see in your chicks flock, when you notice that out of all the chicks, the one or two is not behaving like others, they seem to be lethargic or not running like others, then it is an indicator that something is not good with those chicks.

I am going to discuss some most Common Health Problems in Baby Chicks that’s need to be addressed as early as possible.


One of the most common chicken problems, Coccidiosis can be fatal to your chicks; however, the good news is, with early diagnosis it can be easily, and economically treated. I am giving you some tips on how you can spot coccidiosis in chickens, treat it and prevent it so you can do your best to keep your baby chicks safe and sound.

What is Coccidiosis?

Coccidiosis is an intestinal disease in avian species which is caused by a protozoan that attaches itself to the intestinal lining and thus damages the wall of the gut leading to bleeding that can be seen in the droppings of birds. This protozoa prevents the absorption of feed ingredients from feed and creates such an environment in the gut that harbors a large number of bacteria.

Most susceptible age to get coccidiosis:

Younger chickens (under six months) are more at risk as they havenโ€™t yet had time to develop their natural immunity; however, adult birds can also become affected.

What are the Symptoms of Coccidiosis in Poultry?

The most common symptom is blood or mucus in the dropping of birds but keeps in mind that sometimes birds shed dropping in red or dark brown color so don’t get confused with that. The best way to confirm that either this type of dropping is a sign of cocci or not is Vet examination and then your vet will do a dropping analysis.

Also note, blood in poop is not necessarily always a symptom, so also look out for:

  • Lethargic chickens with not easy to move around
  • Plae color comb and skin also appears yellowish
  • loss of appetite
  • Ruffled feathers
  • The declining growth rate in baby chicks
  • Weight loss
  • Decrease egg production or stops at all
  • Diarrheal droppings

All these symptoms could be a result of other diseases, so the only way to know for sure that youโ€™re dealing with coccidiosis is to talk to your vet.

What are the Causes of Coccidiosis in Poultry and how it is spread?

Coccidiosis is caused by a protozoan of the phylum Apicomplexa, the family Eimeriidae. In poultry, most species belong to the genus Eimeria. I am not going to explain the entire life cycle of this protozoa. To the point, this parasitic protozoan spreads via the dropping of one bird to another.

Coccidiosis Treatment:

The best way to control coccidiosis is to stop the multiplication of parasitic protozoa that is responsible for coccidiosis. The Vet’s best choice for this is, Amprolium. It is a liquid that is administered by adding it to the henโ€™s water supply

Coccidiosis Prevention:

Every problem can be treated by adopting some precautionary protocols some of these are

  • Make sure water is clean and fresh
  • Keep feeders clean and dry and donโ€™t throw food on the ground where it can be contaminated
  • Ensure brooder chicks or chickens have enough space โ€“ coccidiosis will take off in an overcrowded area. Chickens need four square feet of space each in their coops
  • Provide medicated starter feed for baby chicks. If your chicks have been vaccinated against coccidiosis, donโ€™t give them medicated starter feed, it will simply cancel out their vaccination.
  • If you live in a particularly wet area consider giving amprolium as a preventative. You can buy it over the counter from vets, produce stores, or pet stores easily
Common Health Problems in Baby Chicks with Treatment: Coccidiosis

Spraddle Legs or Crooked Toes in Baby Chicks

Spraddle legs is also known as splayed legs, a common problem in newborn chicks. This problem is easy to treat with some precautionary measures.

What is Spraddle Legs or splayed legs in Poultry?

Deformability in the chicken’s legs, in which the bird’s legs are not in normal position instead of this the legs are pointing away from the medial plane. This problem leads to difficult walking in baby chicks. If this problem remains unchecked it can lead to permanent disability.

Causes of Splayed Legs:

According to researchers, the most common cause of splayed legs in day-old chicks is the stiff floor. As the skeleton of baby chicks is not strong during the growing phase so if the floor is slick it can lead to twisting of legs from the hip joint.

Other causes are:

  • Vitamin deficiency
  • Temperature imbalance in incubator
  • Overcrowded in brooder
  • Difficult hatch

How to fix Splay Legs in Poultry?

You can fix splayed legs at home. As soon as you address the issue the easier it is for you to treat it because treated unleft this leg issue can lead to mortality of baby chicks because of inability to reach to feed and water. During the treatment, you have to feed the patient bird under your assistance because such bird is unable to walk.

Now the main thing is to fix those splayed legs in the correct position. For this, we have to restrict the motion of legs using a braced or hobbled. I suggest you use scotch tape or Vet rap that is easily available and easy to use. Another advantage of using Vet rap is that it does not stop circulation, won’t damage the skin and feathers of legs.

First of all place both legs in the right position and wrap the vet wrap around both legs. Be sure the writing should not be tight and the legs are in the correct position.

Check out the progress after every 8 hours. During this procedure supply feed and water to your patient birds under your assistance.

Usually after a maximum of 24 hours the issue resolve.

Common Health Problems in Baby Chicks with Treatment: Splayed legs

Pasty Butt or Chick pasting up:

A common reason for a sick baby chick, most often caused by stress. This is a condition where droppings stick to a chick’s vent area, preventing the excretion of waste. The condition is easily treated, and recovery can be quick if action is taken promptly.

What is Pasty Butt in baby chicks:

Stucking of dry dropping around the vent area of birds. This is most common in baby chicks of 7-10 days old.

Causes of Pasty Butt:

The main cause is stress but other suggested causes include for this problems in baby chicks are

  • Poor digestion
  • Not enough production of digestive enzymes
  • Temperature fluctuations

Treatment of Pasty Butts:

Check each chick for pasting as soon as they arrive home. Pasting is fairly easy to treat. If you notice chicks have pasty butt, follow these steps of how to Take Care of Baby Chick:

I think the best way to treat the pasty butt is to wash the vent area of a bird with lukewarm water. When the dropping seems to soften, wipe it out with cotton, and be sure don’t pull as it may tear the chick’s skin.

As the temperature has a major impact on the pasty butt so while doing this procedure try to keep the bay chick warm for this after cleaning of droppings dry those vent areas with a low heat dryer.

If it reoccurs you can use petroleum jelly or triple antibiotic ointment for this purpose.

The other common health issues in baby chicks are:

Common Health Problems in Baby Chicks with Treatment


This is normally a sign of dullness and congestion. You can give them other things to peck at such as fresh fruit and veggies.

Cross Beak or Scissor Beak:

It is sad to said that this is not a fixable problem, As the skull grows the deformity may get more dangerous. The good news is that it is not always the death penalty. The beak can be carefully trimmed to keep it in normal angle. The more severe deformities may require some special care such as deep dishes to eat and drink from.

FAQs about Raising Chicks

Can I raise chicks with other fowl?

Yes and no. It is advised to keep turkeys and chicks separate because of possible disease issues. Different species of birds have different behavioral patterns and different growth rates.

Ducks really shouldnโ€™t be raised with chicks โ€“ they are extremely untidy. Guinea hens can be raised with chicks.

My chicks have blood in their poop, what is it?

Baby Chicks and chickens seldom shed intestinal lining; this is normal. If it is one chick eating/drinking and is active just monitor the situation.

If the chick looks sick and lethargic you should separate from the flock quickly. And If more chicks start with bloody poop you will need to treat for coccidiosis.

When can I stop with the heat?

It depends upon the situation but when the ambient air temperature matches the brooder, usually around 65-70ยฐF or at six weeks.

When can they go outside?

If the days are warm and you have a secure pen for them, they can go out as early as four weeks but check frequently so they donโ€™t get too cold.

What treats can I give them?

Watermelon, bananas, berries, and crumbled mealworms are great. Hard-boiled egg mashed up is high in protein too. Treats should not be given much before 2 weeks old.

Remember though, all treats in moderation. It is important for them to get most of their nutritional needs from their feed

I have a bully chick that is pecking at the others, what can I do?

Firstly, how much room do they have? If they are crowded they will cause mischief. Chicks are inquisitive and peck at everything, make sure there is other stuff to peck at; perhaps a broccoli head or similar.

If the behavior continues or the bully draws blood, you will have to put it in solitary for a few days. This should re-set the pecking order.

Summary on How to take Care of Baby Chicks

I have tried my best to give you all the protocols on how to Take Care of Baby Chicks from day old. I know its not enough but It can help you a lot if you are looking to raise baby chicks.

Raising baby chicks is a huge commitment. It needs proper care guidelines from day one to till hens lay eggs. This care includes brooder to feed, brooder essentials, light, temperature, health issues,s and much more.

If you are looking to start your own poultry business in the backyard of your house with the least investment then you can check the complete guide on How to start your own poultry business, a step-by-step guide from veterinary and poultry business experts.

Thanks for reading this article. Give your feedback in the comment below.

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