Canine Ehrlichiosis Quiz

Are you looking for a Canine Ehrlichiosis quiz? Then you are at the right place, here you will find amazing multiple-choice questions on canine ehrlichiosis.

Ehrlichiosis is a tick-born disease of dogs that is caused by a rickettsial agent, Ehrlichia canis. This E.canis is actually a pathogen of dogs and is only spread by the bite of an infected tick. Humans can also be susceptible to ehrlichiosis if get exposed to a tick bite.

As this post is not about canine ehrlichiosis, itโ€™s just a quiz, but if you are interested in the details thenย this post is for you.

Now letโ€™s do a quick quiz on canine ehrlichiosis, itโ€™s advisable to read first about this disease and then do this quiz for better understanding. Now here is your quiz.


Dog Diseases

Canine Ehrlichiosis Quiz

Discover your knowledge about canine ehrlichiosis by taking our informative quiz! Test your understanding of this tick-borne disease that affects dogs worldwide. Once you're done, don't forget to rate the quiz โ€“ your feedback helps us provide even better educational experiences for pet owners and animal lovers alike.

1 / 12

Canine Ehrlichiosis is an infectious contagious disease.

2 / 12

What dog breeds are more susceptible to canine ehrlichiosis?

3 / 12

Canine Ehrlichiosis is caused by a rickettsial agent of what type?

4 / 12

The main pathogen that causes acute ehrlichiosis in dogs is

5 / 12

Other names of canine ehrlichiosis are

6 / 12

Canine ehrlichiosis is because of the bite of a tick infected with Ehrlichia sp. Can you tell the scientific name of the tick that is major responsible cause

7 / 12

How do Dogs acquire Ehrlichiosis?

8 / 12

When Ehrlichia enters into the body of a dog, it infects ............... and rarely ....................

9 / 12

In which season, Canine ehrlichiosis mostly prevails?

10 / 12

The signs of Canine Ehrlichiosis are

11 / 12

The gold standard test in diagnosing Canine Ehrlichiosis is

12 / 12

The drug of choice for canine Ehrlichiosis is

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The average score is 67%


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